Our fundraising heroes

Inspiring stories from our Pancreatic Cancer UK Community

Do you want to be a hero?

Share your fundraising story with us today on fundraise@pancreaticcancer.org.uk.


"I took on Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month by holding a quiz night in my local club in memory of my mum. My beautiful mum passed away on the 4th July just 13 days after going into hospital. After this fundraising night I was truly grateful for everyone's donations and raised over £4,000! Such a success!"


"I took on Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month by holding a quiz night in my local club in memory of my mum. My beautiful mum passed away on the 4th July just 13 days after going into hospital. After this fundraising night I was truly grateful for everyone's donations and raised over £4,000! Such a success!"

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


"I took on Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month by holding a quiz night in my local club in memory of my mum. My beautiful mum passed away on the 4th July just 13 days after going into hospital. After this fundraising night I was truly grateful for everyone's donations and raised over £4,000! Such a success!" Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.


"I held a spectacular Charity Ball in memory of Stuart Hogg and raised an incredible £18,054!!"


"I held a spectacular Charity Ball in memory of Stuart Hogg and raised an incredible £18,054!!"


"I held a spectacular Charity Ball in memory of Stuart Hogg and raised an incredible £18,054!!"


"I am Taking On Challenge 24 because my Dad was diagnosed August last year after he turned yellow and had constant itching. The doctors said that he was able to have the operation to remove the cancer. When speaking to the specialists afterwards, we were told that if Dad had left going to the doctors by 2 months, he would not have been able to have the help he did. Thankfully Dad is 6 months in remission. We know how lucky we are to still have him with us."


Almost 2 years ago my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Its symptoms are very difficult to notice, with the lowest survival rate of all common cancers. Only 24% of those diagnosed in the UK survive the next year. A few weeks ago dad was told his body couldn't take anymore treatment and his care became palliative. And then last Thursday we got the craziest news ever - his last CT showed he is somehow cancer free.
It's been the most amazing, emotional and unexpected thing in the world. Everyone is a little mind-blown but we're so grateful. Dad's cancer could always come back, but for the first time in a long time we have hope. Hope is something pretty difficult to find when diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, but Pancreatic Cancer UK is a charity aiming to change that. They've done so much for my dad and work tirelessly to advocate for patients across the country.
This Thursday (Nov 19th) is World Pancreatic Cancer Day and I'm going to be dyeing my hair purple for Pancreatic Cancer UK!


"We are running a mile a day for 24 days to raise funds. My friend Tina lost her mother to pancreatic in 1982 after many visits to the doctor and 3 months after diagnosis. My mother-in-law died in 2009. Same story, many visits to doctors and in much pain.  We are now in 2020 and people are still sharing the same story. I was lucky to have completed successful treatment for Breast Cancer as funding has enabled research and improved diagnostic and treatment. This should be the same for Pancreatic Cancer."


"I lost my only sister, Lorraine, to pancreatic cancer 8 years ago and in her memory hold a cake day each year for all our friends and family. It has over the years become a regular for all of us. Helping raise money which goes towards research to improve diagnosis, treatments and support in this devastating disease helps my grief."


"I took on Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month by holding a quiz night in my local club in memory of my mum. My beautiful mum passed away on the 4th July just 13 days after going into hospital. After this fundraising night I was truly grateful for everyone's donations and raised over £4,000! Such a success!"

The McKean Family 

"We opened up our garden friends and family and set up different stalls which included cakes, sweetie bags, pin badges, wish bracelets, a tombola and a huge raffle (which we had been very lucky to receive some amazing prizes for). We raised an incredible £465 in memory of our dad and grandad."


"I am running 200km throughout November. The aim will be 5 x 10km runs a week - this will be a massive challenge for me and I hope my legs can take it. I am doing this in memory of my lovely dad who sadly passed away to pancreatic cancer 10 weeks after diagnosis 6 years ago. I had never heard of pancreatic cancer at the time but now I will never forget it. I hope to raise lots of money so others can benefit from research."


"We are taking on Challenge 24 because me and my children feel it’s so important to raise funds to research this horrible cancer and to help other people not to go through what we have had to go through. My husband lost his battle with pancreatic cancer this April. He was only 69 and we were looking forward to our retirement and enjoying time together and with our two children and grandchildren. He was never ill before this. He worked as a probation officer for 39 years and then was a victim support volunteer. The district nurses called him the gentle giant. Due to this horrible virus we were never given the funeral with family he should of had, we feel we have never grieved properly or celebrated his life." 


"My beloved mum Joan, was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in December 2012 and died just ten weeks later. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in November 2018 and the medication has caused osteoarthritis - until recently I could barely walk up the stairs. I am walking 24 in 24 4 Joan, so have set myself a 50-mile target, a massive personal achievement for me. Those diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer MUST be given the same care and opportunities as the majority of other cancers, so it too can become treatable."


"I held a spectacular Charity Ball in memory of Stuart Hogg and raised an incredible £18,054!!"


"I held a Curry and Indian dancing charity night and raised £170 in memory of my Dad" 

The Circle of Eight

"We hosted a private cinema screening of Rocketman and raised £5,471 in memory of our dear friend, Gillian"


"I hosted the Puple Ladies day in my community for a few years and in 2019 we had the biggest purple day ever and raised £6,904!!"


"I hosted my annual Golf Day in memory of Julian and we raised £4,166!" 


"In Scotland I organise a Cars and Coffee day in memory of two family members I have lost to pancreatic cancer. At the last day we raised over £5,000!"


"Hello I'm Charlie Matthews. I am 10 years old and I have been raising money for pancreatic cancer this November. I have challenged myself to run 100km as well as doing 100 sit ups and press ups everyday. I have done all this fundraising because one of my Mam's friends, Ben, has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He has run lots of marathons and raised money himself for charities. I met him yesterday and we ran together to complete my 100km. Ben said he was very humbled and proud of me for doing this challenge. It made me feel good knowing all the money I've raised so far will help poorly people like Ben. It also made feel sad too because Ben was going into hospital next week to have more chemo. I wish nice people like Ben didn't have to suffer."

1st Ponthir Brownies

"We chose to help support Pancreatic Cancer UK after our Brown Owl Dawn had to go back into hospital to have more surgery. Even though it was during covid, she  made sure that we were looked after by arranging other leaders to do our weekly virtual sessions with us and it kept our unit open until she was well enough to return. She was in hospital 350 miles away for 3 months and we really missed her but while she was there she knitted us all little purple hearts to wear as bobbles, hairbands or brooches.

When she came back we started our face to face meetings again and chose to do our Take Action Theme Awards. We had to do a charity badge so we chose Pancreatic Cancer UK for our Brown Owl as shes always so happy, fun and very brave. She told us all about the good stuff that PCUK does and we pledged to help by doing the Challenge 24. We all did different things from walking to school, helping our parents, reading, skipping, going to GP surgeries and pharmacies with our posters to raise awareness of how PCUK can help anyone and even a 24hr silence which was really hard. 

We really had some fun doing these challenges and fundraising for such a good cause. We are going to do something every year now to remind us how lucky we are to have Brown Owl back."


"I lost my dear Grandma to Pancreatic Cancer in 2009 and then we lost a beloved colleague in April this year. We also have a colleague who's brother is undergoing treatment at the moment. When I was approached about taking part in Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month it seemed the perfect way to honour all of our lost loved ones and support those still fighting."

Need to speak to someone?

If you’d like to speak to someone about your fundraising, or you’d like some tips, ideas or advice then we’d love to hear from you. Please get in touch with us using the details below.

Scientist smiling at the camera

Laura, Claudia, Annabel and Abbey - Your Community Fundraising Team

020 3535 7090
