Tabetha's Loch Ness Marathon

By Tabetha Dale

I'm fundraising for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

My Marathon journey - I am running my first ever marathon on 29th September.  Those that have known me over the years will be gobsmacked at this.  I'm not a runner!  I'm not sporty! I was the last picked at school.  But I was inspired when my wife ran the London Marathon.   I arrived at my first Parkrun with a cup of coffee to walk round with.  Tracey recalls I moaned all the way.  January 2023.  Just over 18 months, two 10kms and two half marathons later I'm ready to run a marathon.  I've been training for months and my last long run 21 miles took 6 hours.  This is a real challenge for me and I really hope I can do this, which brings me on to why I'm running for pancreatic cancer.
I wasn't originally going to get sponsored for this marathon as family and friends were incredibly generous when Tracey ran London.  However, unfortunately Pancreatic Cancer has touched our family.  My younger sister has been diagnosed with this disease and is currently in treatment.  The disease is often diagnosed late and is difficult to treat.  I want to do what I can to raise funds to go towards research for early diagnosis and treatment of this cancer.  I'm hoping that people will be able to support me to help fight and improve diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
Thank you very much. Tabetha x
PS. This web page gives suggested amounts to donate, but please note you can enter your own amount below this. I am grateful for anything you can spare.

My donations could fund...

18 hours with a nurse on our Support Line


8 hours of early diagnosis research

My Achievements

Reached 100% of goal

Reached 50% of goal

Shared page

Self donated

My Updates

Last long training run

Training has built up over the last few months, and my last long run was 21 miles on 7th September.

Thank you to my Sponsors



Sorry to hear about your sister Tabetha. Very best wishes with your marathon - you will smash it. May the wind be behind you! x


Jo Wilkinson

Good luck Tabetha. I will be thinking about you. Hope Nessie appears!


Eric, Vera & James

Well done Tabetha! Wishing you all the best with the marathon and with your fundraising efforts. xx


Craig Dale


Isabela Dochita

So sorry to hear about your sister, wishing her all the very best with her treatment. I am also not a gym bunny and in awe of everyone running marathons, very best of luck for a very worthy cause


Dylan Brandes

Well done 👍 inspirational. I walked a half marathon today and it broke me. We are all with you, good luck.


Matt Jenkins

Good luck Tabetha! Running for a great cause.


Annabel Berry

Well done on undertaking such an enormous challenge! Enjoy the big day and the enormous sense of pride when you finish. Sending love to you, Tracey and your little sis. Xx



Hi Tabetha, this is such an amazing cause and I just know you will smash this!


Haley Richardson

Best of luck Tabitha! You will smash it. I know your sister will be beaming with pride. Lots of love to you and all of your family xxx


Sandra Barker

A very worthy cause, I'm sure you will succeed and in a good time, well done Tabetha


Nigel Daly

Great aim Tabetha - Good luck for the run



You're in an inspiration Tabetha! Well done and good luck!! xx



You're an inspiration!


Siobhan Wharton

Good luck Tabetha!


Sam Platt


Cheryl Owen

Good luck Tabetha!


Jo May

A well deserved cause and a great effort Tabetha!


Alison Rainer

Good luck!


Layla Hersi

Sorry to hear about your sister, sending you and your family love and light. Go smash that marathon - you've got this!


Poppy Mcnulty-ho

Good luck Tabetha!!




Carol Dale

Hope my donation helps a little bit xx


Laura Holmes

Good luck on your marathon Tabetha, i am sure you will do amazing!


Graeme Hunter

Good luck Tabetha! The hard work is done - go and enjoy!


Lorraine Twist

Wishing you a great run, Tabetha. This is another worthy cause. My father-in-law developed pancreatic cancer so it is good to know that people like you are raising money to fund research that may help current and future patients.


Michelle Myers

Good luck Tabetha, you'll smash it!



Good luck with the marathon Tabetha and wishing your sister all the best with her treatment. I am sending big hugs and lots of love to you all x



Good luck, Tabetha. Sending all my love to you and your family at this sad time.


Claire Goss

All the love and strength ❤️💕