Keelagher Okey Klein

Organise your fundraiser

I’m fundraising for Pancreatic Cancer UK

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and I’m fundraising to help drive research breakthroughs that could save lives.

Pancreatic cancer has been left behind. Survival rates have improved enormously for most cancers. 

Sadly, for pancreatic cancer, this is not the case. Currently, more than half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months. This is unacceptable. 

The funds I raise could support research into early detection and better treatments, and provide health professionals with the tools they need to spot patients’ symptoms earlier.

Your donation has the power to make that possible. Thank you.

My donations could fund...


hours with a nurse on our support line


hours of early diagnosis research

My Updates

The final push!

After one of our colleagues lost her husband to Pancreatic Cancer after a 4 year battle at the age of 55, we at work decided to support the charities month, which is November.

Our main aim is to raise awareness of this fast acting disease for which there is no specific treatment (you must diagnose it quickly) and also to raise funds for research.

John Okey (74!) is running every day this month with the aim of building up to running 10 miles on the 30th November. He started 1 mile first day/ 1 mile second day / 2 miles third day etc. and has increased to 3.5/3.5/then 7miles on the 19th. Next milestone 8 miles Wednesday. And so it increases up to 5/5/10, knees permitting.

Thank you to my Sponsors


From All At Keelagher Okey Klein



Well done 100 miles completed, but sorry John we have no bananas left. You reached your set target.


David Hudd

Best of luck with your Challenge John, from the team at Livesey Spottiswood


Jonathan Okey


James Okey

Absolutely Smashing it! As usual… Couldn’t be more proud.


Bill Wright

how do I pay


Alison Collins

Good luck John Okey and team KOK, I'm proud of you all for stepping up to the challenge, especially John, who has pushed himself from running zero miles at the beginning of November to 10 miles on the 30th. Quite a remarkable achievement for a spritely 74 year old.


Derek Bradshaw


Gary Toye

Good luck 🍀


Postlethwaite Solicitors

Wishing you all the very best with your target!


Optimised It

Amazing work John, great effort! Well done 👏



Well done you! It is such a worthwhile project. Your motivation will help you achieve your goal. Keep smiling.


Diane Barnes

Great cause, close to my heart. Fantastic challenge John, well done!


Nick Gregory

Good luck John, very worthwhile cause


John Hughes


Stuart Leak

Well done John, a great effort!


Marie Mcdonagh


Paul Watts

Good luck John


Christopher Okey


Luke Barnes

Fantastic challenge John, great cause.


Hannah Ellison


Anthony Bailey

Well done John, you have some great stamina, driven on by such a great cause.


Kevin Jones

Good luck John! All for a great cause!!!


Nick W

Good luck John...!


Moira Yeamans


Paula Winterbottom-ross

Amazzzzing effort you're putting in John. Well done. Bet you wish you were jumping out of a plane again though ;-) Easier on the knees!


Diane Barnes


Margaret Hall

Donation in memory of my Sister Janet. Good luck John!


Andrew Barnes


Brian Hall


Jonathan Campbell

Great cause and massive well done John!


Lesley Wallace