Half marathon in memory of Stephen Willmore

By Phoebe Willmore

We're running the Oxford half in memory of Stephen Willmore

We are Phoebe, Harriet, Monty, Martha, Nicky and Jess. 

In October 2023 we lost Stephen, our Dad, brother and uncle, to Pancreatic Cancer. We’ve chosen to run the Oxford half marathon to raise money in his memory. This city is special to us because it’s where Stephen went to uni and met his wife, Grace. It’s also where his daughter Phoebe now lives. 

Stephen was fun, kind and generous. He was interested in everyone and everything around him. He loved a long walk along the Pembrokeshire coastline - we called them his route marches - especially if there was a pub at the end. He was a water baby and could often be found surfing, in his boat or sunbathing on the beach. In the evenings you would find him in the garden reading his book by the light of a head-torch. Stephen loved to get together with his sisters, Nicky and Paula, his Dad Oliver and his many nieces and nephews. Most of all he loved his wife Grace, his daughters Phoebe and Charlotte and his dogs Mungo and Gus. 

In August 2023, at 56 years old, Stephen was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He died 10 weeks later. As is often the case, by the time he was diagnosed the cancer was too advanced for treatment. 

We have chosen to raise money for PCUK to support their work towards earlier diagnosis and better treatment options. Even today, most people die within twelve weeks of being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. We want this to change.

Six of us are running. We are being supported by the rest of Stephen’s family, led by his daughter Charlotte. We are grateful for anything you can donate and please do come along and cheer us on on the day. 

My donations could fund...

23 hours with a nurse on our Support Line


10 hours of early diagnosis research

My Achievements

Reached 100% of goal

Reached 50% of goal

Shared page

Self donated

Thank you to my Sponsors



Your dad would be so proud of you Phoebe.


Harriet Walford

I know that you’ll run well for Stephen, take care, hxx



What a great thing to do. Will be thinking of you all xx



Thinking of you Phoebe….very proud of you taking on a half marathon. Think of dad and you’ll push through to the finish. Mungogussy and Rolo would love to help you!! xx


David Walton

Good luck to you all




Jane And Bruce Crawford

Having been stuck on week 5 of the Couch to 5k challenge for months, I’m so impressed at the distance you are all running. Great effort and great cause.


Gill Tremenheere


Jackie Page (jemma’s Mum!)

Good luck Phoebe


Pandora And Jon Mcgee

We still think of Steve often. Xx


Marina Brewerton

Good luck Phoebe and your running gang. I hope the weather is fair and the wind is behind you.


Jo Samuel

I am so sorry for your loss and well done for running to raise money in this great cause


Andrew I