Jason P Belcher

Challenge 24

My Activity Tracking


My target 100 mi

Jasons’ Cycling Challenge - 16 November 23 Raising Awareness & Funds for Pancreatic Cancer UK In Memory of Marjorie Belcher

UPDATE - 15 November 

Unfortunately, due to the Yellow Weather Warning issued by the Met Office for the region in which I was due to undertake my 100-mile World Pancreatic Awareness Day #WPCD cycle, in the interest of the safety of other road users, my supporters and myself, I have taken the tough decision to postpone.

This new date will still hopefully be in November, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, potentially Saturday 25 November (weather permitting). The change of date to a weekend may also give chance for other to join me on some or part of the route around North Somerset Youth Cricket League Club and will finish outside the Grand Pier.

On Thursday 16 November 2023 (World Pancreatic Awareness Day #WPCD) I will still be doing 24 laps of the Grand Pier in our hometown of Weston-super-Mare, who are lighting up purple as part of the #purplelights campaign https://purplelightsuk.org.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported me to date not only raising awareness but over £1,000 in online and £150 in offline donations for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

Please continue to support me and my fundraising. 

Don’t’ forget, you can raise awareness by wearing something Purple on Thursday 16 November.

Original Post

As you may well be aware on 22 February 2021 my life and that of my family changed forever, when my Mum passed away from Pancreatic Cancer, after being diagnosed with this terminal illness in November 2020.


November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month and I’m fundraising to help drive research breakthroughs that could save lives.

Pancreatic cancer has been left behind. Survival rates have improved enormously for most cancers. 

Sadly, for pancreatic cancer, this is not the case. Currently, more than half of people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer die within 3 months, just like my Mum. This is unacceptable. 

Cycling was my release when I was caring for Mum, with the support of my family. Therefore, on 16th November (World Pancreatic Awareness Day #WPCD) I am undertaking a cycling challenge with Jason Smith, a school friend and our route planner.

Mum liked her cricket so during the day we will be cycling around North Somerset Youth Cricket League 2023 playing clubs (Around 100 Miles) followed by 24 laps of the Grand Pier in our hometown of Weston-super-Mare, who will be lighting up purple as part of the #purplelights campaign https://purplelightsuk.org

The funds raised could support research into early detection and better treatments and provide health professionals with the tools they need to spot patients’ symptoms earlier.

Your donation has the power to make that possible. Thank you.


My donations could fund...


hours with a nurse on our support line


hours of early diagnosis research

My Updates

Will I get to £2,221 and why this amount?

My initial meaningful £221 has been smashed as did not want to be greedy in todays challenging world and with Christmas approaching.

However having today passed £2k the question is will I get to  £2,221?

Why this amount because Mum passed away from Pancreatic Cancer on 22 February 2021, hence the initial £221 and now £2,221 . 

Last day today before page totals are collated for all fundraisers

Day 30 - The Final Day of Awareness

30 Days of Awareness Month

2 Awareness Cycles

107 Miles completed 

19 NSYCL Clubs

1 Cycling Partner

24 Laps of Grand Pier

£1,744 Raised & counting 

The only negative

-2 Degrees + Wind chill on our big cycle

Thanks to everyone involved 

Day 25 -The 100 Mile Ride Thank You

Just a quick thank you after my 100 mile ride for Pancreatic Cancer UK to those who helped before, during & after for your support including those from Pancreatic Cancer UK Fundraisers who have their own inspiring challenges due to being impacted by the loss of their loved ones and friends.

This would not have been possible  my riding partner for the day Jason Seo Smith, my family and members of North Somerset Youth Cricket League clubs and The Druids Arms Stanton Drew

Big thanks also to The Grand Pier for helping me with my challenge 24 on #WPCD 

I will add  photos over the coming days and #pancreaticcancerawarenessmonth but for now it’s time for rest.

Sadly could not finish with 24 laps of TheGrand Pier tonight as the were supporting The Axentis Michael Charitable Trust with personal connections for them who support the local community

If you want to know more details of donate please use the link. 


Day 21 - 3 weeks into awareness month

Three weeks into awareness month and still looking forward the big 100 ride now rescheduled to Saturday. 
Forecast keeps changing and currently looking ok.
Being a Saturday may gives us more of a chance to spread the word as not as many people at work. 

Day 16 - WPCD Challenge 24 Cycle or not ?

Frustrating start to the day as I had to postpone the 100 #WPCD cycle around NSYCL clubs.

It was raining at 7am when due to set off so took the advice of the yellow weather warning for rain and do not cycle.

However the weather did not materialise and I managed to complete #Challenge24 with 24 laps of The Grand Pier which was lit up purple as part of the #purplelights campaign. 

Thanks to my my  family Hayley, Kruz, Ebony and Gizzy together with brother Andre, sister Maria and their partners  Maria and Steve with Jason coming out to support.

Why 24 because that’s how many people die from Pancreatic Cancer each day.
Sat 25th Nov is the revised date for 100 miles around NSYCL. This will now also be in memory of former league chairman Stewart Dewer. 

Day 15 - 100 Mile #WPCD Ride Postponed but still 24 Laps of Grand Pier

Unfortunately, due to the Yellow Weather Warning issued by the Met Office for the region in which I was due to undertake my 100-mile World Pancreatic Awareness Day #WPCD cycle, in the interest of the safety of other road users, my supporters and myself, I have taken the tough decision to postpone.

This new date will still hopefully be in November, Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, potentially Saturday 25 November (weather permitting). The change of date to a weekend may also give chance for other to join me on some or part of the route around North Somerset Youth Cricket League Club and will finish outside the Grand Pier.

On Thursday 16 November 2023 (World Pancreatic Awareness Day #WPCD) I will still be doing 24 laps of the Grand Pier in our hometown of Weston-super-Mare, who are lighting up purple as part of the #purplelights campaign https://purplelightsuk.org.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported me to date not only raising awareness but over £1,000 in online and £150 in offline donations for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

Please continue to support me and my fundraising.

Don’t’ forget, you can raise awareness by wearing something Purple on Thursday 16 November.

Day 13 - Unlucky for some

Sadly I need to announce my fellow rider Jason Smith has had to withdraw from the ride through injury (not cycling related - but home improvements DIY) but will hopefully be joining me in a support car with refreshments and change of clothes as forecast is not favourable.
Charging lights and uploading routes to my devices is a new challenge for my first big solo ride. Now I need to recharge myself mentally and physically! 

Day 12 - Inspiration & Reflection Weekend

A weekend of inspiration watching top cyclists at the UCI Track Championships and then today reflecting and remembering those  who gave their lives in conflicts across the world as watched the Remembrance Parade at the Cenotaph.
Only a few days now until I start my own challenge on Thursday. 

Day 7 - 7 out of 10 PC patients don’t get treatments

Did you know that 7 in 10 people with pancreatic cancer never receive treatment?Not even chemotherapy. And that more than half of people die within three months of diagnosis? It’s shocking, and it’s shameful.

But does pancreatic cancer have to be a death sentence? No. With a faster, fairer treatment and care journey, and funding to make it happen, more people can be treated and have a chance to survive.

Sign our petition now and tell governments – don’t write off people with pancreatic cancer.

https://www.pancreaticcancer.org.uk/dont-write-me-off/#:~:text=With a faster, fairer treatment,off people with pancreatic cancer.

Day 6

Day 6 - it’s not just about taking for my #WPCD cycle challenge on 16 Nov

I've #justsponsored others in my spin class doing a 35 hour spin (on 11& 12 Nov) fundraising for @WHCHospice on @JustGiving.

@WHCHospice helped both my Mum & Dad before they both passed from Cancer. 

Day 5 - 50 Miler

Day 5 and after two days of 2 hour indoor spins this was my last big training ride outdoors before the ride a solo 50 mile with only a bit of rain and wind to keep me company. Felt good although I’m starting to ache now.
Pleased to have reached my fundraising total already but the more funds and awareness the better. 

Day 2 - Two Weeks to Go

Scary to believe 2 weeks today and the ride will be over.
The storms meant I needed to train indoors so a Virtual and  also instructor led spins for 2 hours of cycling as tomorrow is a rest day before hopefully a 50 miler this weekend.

Day 1

Steady 14 mile cycle in the dark before the storm Ciaran hits. 

Thanks to all the donations and awareness by supporters sharing so far.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jason P Belcher

I cannot thank everyone for helping me raise so much money and getting past £2,000 without contributing myself to get to my personal meaningful total of £2,221


Various Offline Donations

Funds raised by offline supporters who paid me in cash.


Ian Taylor-rowlands

Good luck from all of us at Cheddar & District Funeral Directors






Four Fifty


Tawnie Wilkinson

Well done Jason 👏


Uphill Castle Cricket Club

Congratulations Jason on your bike ride. With very best wishes from all at Uphill Castle Cricket Club


Sarah & John At Headlines

Good Luck Jason & Jason xx


Alan Morgan-george

Good luck Jason. It’s a very worthy cause and well done for supporting and participating. Enjoy yourself and smash it!


Malcolm And Di Litten

Hope it doesn't rain all day on you! Congratulations on the initiative.


Ollie Halmkin


Richard Acreman

Well done Jason


Philip Kirby


Zacharias Nicolaides


Martin Brown

Well done on what you have raised. Brilliant .


Nick Larder

well done fella!


John Cann

A good cause Jason - best wishes


The Curley Family!

Good luck Jason!


Michael Liddle


Robin Yeoman


Gillian Yeoman


John Christopher

Good luck Jason from John & Angela


Andy Rowse


Offline Donations Via Maria Carpenter

Various Offline Donations


Wally Rice


Wally Rice


Andy Jeffries


Guy Herrington

Good luck Jason, fantastic cause



Good Luck with the ride Jason. X


Yvonne Cooper

Well done Jason.


Karen Luker

Good luck Jason


Richard Rayner

Good luck Jason


David Day

We’ll done Jason.


James Carr

Best of luck Jason


Jackie Thompson


Allan Barks

Good luck and all the best. Well done you. Sue and Allan


Jon Mayo

Good luck Jason P 👍🏻


Clash City Rocker

Good luck Jason & Jason I might come and run a couple of laps with you!


Chris Cox

Good work Jason. Good luck for the main cycle


Lesley Davison

Good luck Jason x


Gary Purves

Not a problem for you mate you will smash it


Daphne Channon

Good Luck, Robert & Daphne.


Jackie Arnold


James M Howells


Heather Davis

Good luck Jason!


Jane White

Good luck Jason 🚴‍♀️💪💥


Joanne Bartlett

Good luck with the ride. I hope the weather is kind to you


Rich Filer

Well done mate 👊


Mike Brooks

Well done Jason really good effort


Maureen Homer

Hoping all goes well with your fundraising for such a great cause.


Kate Allen

Well done Jason.


Emma Cunningham

Best of luck Jason


Sarah Knight

Good luck Jason


Jon Hance

Good work Jason.


Nicola Haley


Will Hancock

Good luck with the ride!


John Scott


Claire Matthews

Good luck Jason! Hope to see you at a Wembdon match next season 😊 from your favourite scorer!


James Mason


Nathan Smith

Good luck Jason!


Jason Smith

Wanted to be the one that got you across your targget. Plenty more to follow I'm sure. Congrats on hitting first target. See you on the ride ;-)


Simon Elliott


Jeanette Jones

Good luck Jason - very worthy cause x


Debbie Atkins

Fantastic effort Jase


Paul Fleming

Good luck Jason P !


Carol Wilson

Good luck Jason


Neil Farr

Good luck Jason


Anthony Gilbert


Ady Belcher

Well done Jason, good luck on the ride


Sarah Greenwood

Good luck 🎉🎉




Andy&cathy Chambers

Good Luck Jason!




Stuart Kearns

Good Luck Jason!



Good luck


Faye Johnson

Good luck!



Wishing you a safe, steady and enjoyable ride 🚴



Good luck


Claire Fennell


Alex White

Good luck Jase!


Colin Golland

Good luck on amazing fundraising idea.


Rebecca Pepper



Good luck Jason!


Ben Holbrook


Rebecca Lewis

Good luck Jason :)


Emma Wilson

Good luck Jason, a very good cause.



Good luck