My donations could fund...
463 hours with a nurse on our Support Line
207 hours of early diagnosis research
My Achievements

Reached 100% of goal

Reached 50% of goal

Shared page

Self donated
Thank you to my Sponsors

David And Marion Cohen

Tamara Rabin
Happy Birthday Ivor. Looking forward to much singings and dancing Love Tamara

Carolyn Ison
Happy 80th birthday! Love Carolyn xx

Vivien And Leon Levy

Mel & Sue
Have the happiest 80th. All our love Sue& melxx

Fenella Young
Happy 80th Ivor

Ruth Freedman
I am so delighted to support this great cause Ivor.

Freda Hooberman Deere
Thanks for an entertaining read and looking forward to your update! Well done

Lucy & Saul
Happy Birthday! Keep astonishing us xxx much love

Zahavit Shalev
Delighted to celebrate with you Ivor!

Eric And Maureen Weigert
Delighted to support this great cause, especially knowing it has achieved so much for so many.

Nicola Solomon

Louise Froggett

Mr A C Rosen

Anna Stefaniak

Gary Murgatroyd

Richard Stuart-turner
Lovely to see you again Ivor at the IPIA event in Coventry, thank you for giving me your wonderful book of limericks.

Nigel Clarke

Elizabeth Bowerman

Alasdair Ipia
Good Read!

Jack Gocher
Thanks Ivor - pleasure to meet you and am enjoying the book.

Martin Fairweather
Hi Ivor Good to meet you at the IPIA event on Thursday, well done with this good work you have achieved.

Jens Krueger

Good luck in hounour of my brother Ivor

Max Blackston

Rochelle Bard

Ivor Jacobs
Further Launch amalgamated donations

Amalgamated Limericks Book Launch
Amalgamated Limericks book launch event donations, to take us over target! Thanks everyone.

Bernard And Barbara
For a vital project - and enjoying the books!

Eva Aperia


Marion And David Cohen

Stephen And Roberta Rosefield

Ruth Perl

Jean Shindler

Selma Shrank

Eva And Michael Davis
Ivor, your limerick diary - what a wonderful, humourus and honest account of your difficult 6 year journey! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Michele Goldstein
To dear Ivor, with our love Michele and Tony

Hannah Simons
You are an inspiration (and a rock star!). Wishing you well. Well done. Hannah Simons

Michael & Ruth Blane

Moshe Mikhael Shpilberg And Sophia Shpilberg

Barbara & Anton Winston
Another day, another book, another good read!

Raphael Wittenberg

David Levene
Ivor : your energy and the work you are doing for this cause is an inspiration

Ruth Freedman
With many thanks for a terrific party in aid of a wonderful cause.

Sue S
lots of love

Jonathan Wittenberg

Barbara & Anton
Happy birthday, and thanks for a fab party, the music - and your friendship!!

Hadassah And Lev
To my favourite uncle! Happy birthday. It was wonderful to join in your birthday celebrations 🎉🎉🎉

John Melchior
Lis and John are grateful for everything that can be done to detect and help cure Pancreatic cancer patients. Looking forward to reading the books, great initiative.Happy Birthday!

Lucy & Saul
In appreciation of your and Tirza’s enduring friendship and a stonking party and with much love

Anne & Mike
Congratulations and much love xx

Harry Freedman

Philip & Diane Greene
A wonderful, inspirational evening Ivor. We loved the music, from Shadows nostalgia, through Buddy Holly, to Hannah's marvellous voice. Looking forward to the next one. Phil & Diane

Ivor the Inspiration !!

Fenella Young
Wonderful party. Fantastic man!!!

David Stark

Shoshanah Renate Hoffman
Best wishes for a successful endeavour!

Vivien And Leon
Wonderful party - let's hope there are many more Vivien and Leon

Sonali & Deepak
Happy birthday. Loving your books. Thank you for the energy and positivity you bring to the community

Eric Weigert
Thank you for allowing us to celebrate with you last night in true Ivor Jacobs style. A wonderful foot stomping evening. All the best for your cause. XX Maureen and Eric

Ruth Saunders
Wonderful book! Happy birthday!

David Rose
May you live many more years

Anthony Ward
Happy Birthday Ivor, and good health. Love Marilyn & Tony

Barbara And Michael Burman

Howard & Marilynlevene
Happy to support this excellent cause in celebration of Ivor’s 79th birthday!

Sue Saffer And Tony
Happy Birthday, Lots of Love Sue Saffer and Tony

Edwin And Susan Green

Ivor Jacobs

Ruth And Alan Judes
Donation in celebration of your birthday later this month. With Love Ruth and Alan Judes

David And Marion Cohen
We’re full of admiration - including for your contribution to English literature ! With all good wishes.

Stephanie Segal
A great book Ivor, love your sense of humour..

Tamara Rabin
Thank you for your support and for always being a good friend

Anthony & Marilyn Ward
Terrific book. Great poetry.

Devorah Wigman


Duncan Cross
Good luck in the future, Ivor. Duncan Cross - Vivid

Neil Falconer



Donation from IPIA Book Sales

Wendy Baker

Paul Van Tongeren

Adele Warren
Looing forwards to reading your book.


To Ivor Jacobs IPIA, Love to you and Tirza. Stay well! See you on our next trip!

Michael Kalischer
Wishing Ivor every success and everybody great success in the fight against pancreatic cancer.

Tricia & Adrian
Happy to support your admirable fundraising efforts for this invidious disease and such a worthwhile charity. Well done IPIA for your support!

Philippe Debourcieu

Peter Walkerden

Patrick Ross
Good on you Ivey

Linda Stanton

Dennis Smith
Best wishes Ros & Den

David Rose
Wishing you all the brst

Clear As Day Productions
Lovely to meet you last week Ivor, we wish you all the best in reaching your campaign targets!

Carolyn Ison
Congratulations! A truly wonderful book!

Sue Epstein Ipia
Good luck with the book

Nimu Chandaria

Tina & Peter Schindler
Dearest Ivor, What an achievement. You are an inspiration to all of us. Looking forward to reading the book. Tina & Peter

Maria Slater
Congratulations Ivor, you are such an inspiration.

Tony & Michele Goldstein
Love the book, Our very best wishes

Chris Ashmeade
Great to meet you at the IPIA conference. You're an inspiration!! Thanks for signing your book, I can't wait to read it.

Moshe Mikhael Shpilberg And Sophia Shpilberg
Dear Ivor, Congratulations with a fabulous book. It is a great achievement. Very best wishes

Pavan Sadarangani
Loving the book!

Tamara Rabin
Well done Ivor. I am enjoying Ants in his Pants

Philip And Diane Greene
Congratulations on this book and all your other prodigious work towards education , medical research, and entertainment.

Great to meet you person today Ivor, Thank you for the book.

Howard & Marilyn Levene
Looking forward to reading your book & very happy to support this worthy charity

Richard Stuart-turner
Hi Ivor, great to meet you at the IPIA event. I look forward to reading the book and all the best with fundraising for a worthy cause. Best wishes, Richard

Minuteman Press Coventry
Thank you for the book

Lily Krikler
Wish you very well

Dan Jacobs
As good an author and inspiration as a dad and grandad x

Well done Ivor

Peter R Walker

Damian Roscoe
Great cause - looking forward to reading the book!

Elaine Grazin
Mazal Tov to you and IPIA on writing and publishing your book!

Selma Shrank
Ivor thank you for Wednesday night. Your words meant a tremendous amount to me.

Jonathan Shrank
Looking forward to reading about the print industry and your background. IPIA

Stephanie Segal
Mazeltov Ivor, Brilliant you have written this book, looking forward to reading it.

Freda Hooberman Deere
Very much looking forward to reading the book - good luck with the fundraising, and more power to your elbow!

Anthony Rudolf

Selma Shrank

I look forward to reading 'Ants in his Pants'


Henrietta & Edmond Cohen
Finally got around to doing this Ivor, it’s such a brilliant cause

Michael Kalischer

Phil Cove

Harry & Karen Freedman

Jeff Birch
You are a trooper Ivor. Money to a great cause. I’ll still listen to your tune 😋

Mel Santaub
Loved your ditties

Dan Jacobs
Somehow you get more nuts but even more lovable by the day! Go you for beating this dreadful thing and power to those still battling. Dan, Sam, Ella and Hannah xx

Judith Usiskin
stay well and safe -you and Tirza with love

Dennis Smith
Keep on rocking Ivor!

Anthony Ehrenzweig
All the best

Harry Bellak
Rock on!

Stephen Kahn

Naomi Bar-yosef
Really wonderful u-tubes. Your coping has been great. With tons of

Ivor Jacobs

Dan Jacobs
Hope, while they are looking, they find a cure for your limericks. Big love to you Pops xx

David Cohen

Jean Schindler

Susan And Michael Rose

Freda Hooberman

Bernard And Barbara Jackson

Vivienne And Leon Levy

Ken Sacher

Jeane And David Katz

Eric And Maureen Weigert

Mike Lubins

Steve Kahn

Barbara And Michael Burman

Sue And Edwin Green

Jenny And David Levene

Frances Bloom
75 and still jigging! Sorry this had to be a virtual party. Keep well. Love Frances and Julian

Marilyn & Anthony Ward
Happy 75th birthday Ivor! We wish you continued good health in the coming years. Love Marilyn & Tony.

Tricia Book & Adrian Reuben
Dearest Ivor - Wishing you good healtlh, happiness, safety and a sense of humour on your 75th birthday today and always - and looking forward to celebrating with you when we can!

Mel Santaub

Amanda Golby
Ivor, I look forward to celebrating with you at a later stage, meanwhile I hope you enjoy a very quiet birthday, and am pleased to support this important cause.

Henrietta & Edmond Cohen
Ivor, two amazing achievements - in remission from Pancreatic Cancer and reaching 75! Wonderful and we look forward to celebrating with you when the time is right. Love Henrietta & Edmond

Jonathan Polin
I am so pleased to read Ivor's messages. Mazeltov to Ivor and may more survive now and in the future.

J Usiskin

Richard Wiseman

Ruth Freedman
Mazzeltov on your 75th birthday Ivor and thank you for inviting me to your lovely party.

Shoshanah Hoffman
A huge Masaltov and every good wish for health, wealth and joy until 120!

Susy And Maurice
Mazel tov on your special birthday, for a special friend. Looking forward to celebrating with you in style on this and many future occasions

With admiration, respect and warm good wishes on your 80th