family and friends fun day for Lee x

By Heather Read

I'm fundraising for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

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9 hours with a nurse on our Support Line


4 hours of early diagnosis research

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family and friends fund day

On the 4th of August I will be holding a family and friends fun day in memory of Lee and to help raise money for pancreatic cancer. There will be food, drinks, games and toys for the children to play with, fun for the adults too but not sure what yet any ideas will be good 😀.  A day of fun and to remember Lee. Where the day will be held yet hasnt been decided but will keep you up dated where a place has been booked. If you have any idea's for the day or where it could be held please let me know. It would be nice if there was a park near by as well.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Heather Read


Ronnie Leitch


Dan Jutson


Jennifer R


Lucy Jutson


Pat Bridle

I didn't know Lee for very long but he was always kind and helpful to me at work, and could tell he was a nice guy ! Will think of him every time I restock the tins of fish he bought for the cats !! Take care


Anna Stevens

Sorry it’s not a lot but hope you reach your target x



Lee really was a lovely kind man. Good luck Heather. X


Toni Brown

He was the most annoying but honest, funny and genuine person ever.


Vicky And Ash Rance

What a wonderful man that was taken too soon. You will always be in our hearts.


Antony Fernando

He used to love paint ball. Maybe a good idea