24 challenges in 24 days

By Nicki Schroeder

My Activity Tracking


I'm fundraising for Pancreatic Cancer UK.

Starting a new challenge to raise funds on Judy’s birthday. 24 challenges in 24 days. I’ve chosen 8 fitness, 8 philanthropic and 8 fasts over 24 days. I will post the day’s challenge on Facebook daily  

Pancreatic cancer is tough to diagnose, tough to treat and tough to research. By the time Judy was diagnosed it was too late and we lost her far too soon  

Please support me and help make a difference to pancreatic cancer.

Together we can transform the future.

My donations could fund...

44 hours with a nurse on our Support Line


20 hours of early diagnosis research

My Achievements

Reached 100% of goal

Reached 50% of goal

Shared page

Self donated

Distance Travelled

Reached distance goal

My Updates

Day 10 Aerobics challenge

Ooof! Aerobics challenge today and I am hot and tired. 

Tomorrow is a fast and I am a vegan for the day. Have made a vegan loaf today for breakfast, have ordered a vegan meal at my lunchtime meeting and spaghetti in tomato sauce planned for dinner. 

Thanks for all the donations. You’ve all been fabulous and taking into account some donations which accidentally got logged to my other fundraiser a couple of years ago (but will still reach PC UK) we’ve raised about £1500 so far!

Day 9 - Litter picking

Heading out after work to do some litter picking. Not the most pleasant way to end a day in the office but one little local stretch of is now looking a lot better. 

Tomorrow is another fitness challenge and I will dig out a Jillian Michael’s advanced aerobics DVD and try to struggle through this from a standing start. For those who know I might be “Anita” 😂

Second week begins

Week 2 begins and it’s another fasting challenge today, this time sugar free. 

The day started with a bacon and egg sandwich- quite a treat really with some freshly squeezed orange and a cup of tea. 

Lunch was on the run, and Pret A Manger macaroni cheese and a bottle of unsweetened cranberry juice. I was surprised by how much of the service station’s offerings did have added sugar. Couldn’t find anything suitable in Leon and even the salt and vinegar crisps in Pret were a no go. 

Eyed my daughter enviously as she tucked into her bag of Revels and tub of popcorn watching #DespicableMe4 - movie was a lot of fun - whilst I made do with a bottle of water. 

Home for dinner which was spaghetti and meatballs with more water. 

Tomorrow is another philanthropic day so am going to find somewhere to do some litter picking whilst it’s light before work tomorrow morning.

The end of the first week of challenges

Day 7 and today my challenge was to skip for 24 minutes. How hard could that be? I used to love skipping with my friends as a child. But that was 50 odd years ago and it turns out you can forget how to do these things!

Rather more tripping over the rope and mistiming the jump than I had expected and it was a very stop start motion but somehow the 24 mins have been achieved. 

Tomorrow is a fasting challenge and I will be sugar-free for the day. We are taking my sugar loving daughter to watch the new Despicable Me movie and she will no doubt be face down in a bag of Pick and Mix but I will stand firm!

Coming to the end of my first week

Day 6 of the challenge and I had committed to donating 24 items to charity. It’s not much of a challenge just to donate things which you didn’t want anyway so I said farewell to a fabulous neon orange Reiss dress which always turns a few heads, a pair of black velvet J Brand jeans, a Phase Eight skirt and blouse combo which is always good for a wedding or dressy event along with 2 winter coats which will keep someone warm this winter now that the weather has turned cold, some scarves and some nice unopened toiletries and perfumes I’d been saving to pamper myself with. 

Tomorrow I am back doing a fitness challenge and this 55 year old body will be digging out a skipping rope and trying to get 24 mins of skipping under her belt. Wish me luck!

300 “hundreds” in 24 hours

The Pilates hundred is one of the hardest exercises to do and today I planned to do 3 sets across the day whilst working from home. A plan of mice and men clearly as it went awry when my day started with an early doors call from the boss man and was then spent firefighting. So we’ve got to 8.40pm and I am 200 down (all in a 2 hour period) with 100 left to go before bedtime. They will get done but oh my poor abs 😂

Tomorrow’s challenge is a day of no non-work related screens so there will be no blog post tomorrow. 

Normal service will be restored on Friday when my challenge is to donate 24 items I’d really rather keep to charity. 

Making hats for preemies

Day 3 and a new challenge. Making hats for premature babies. The cats decided to join in playing with the yarn as I knitted. 

4 cute little hats made for donation. 

Tomorrow is another fitness challenge. The hundred is one of the hardest Pilates challenge so I will try to aim for 300 over the course of the day. 

Caffeine free was harder than you might think…

Day 2 of my 24 challenges in 24 days to raise funds and awareness for Pancreatic cancer Uk and the challenge I set myself was to be caffeine free for the day. Getting towards the end of the day and could do with a pick me up around now! Sorry everyone if I was snappy today…

Tomorrow is a philanthropic one and the plan is to make hats for premature babies. 

What’s up tomorrow?

First challenge in the bag today. A 5km run this morning puffed out slowly and steadily in just under an hour. For an extra challenge, I was accompanied for a short stretch by a very large rat running beside me along the canal. As I am terrified of rats that did spur me on somewhat. 

Tomorrow’s challenge will be a 24 hour cold turkey caffeine fast (apologies in advance to family and colleagues for any irritability experienced). I usually run at about 6 or 7 caffeine hits a day…

Thank you to my Sponsors



Kevin & Ellie

Bravo Nicki - and good luck with the challenges


Ruth C

Wonderful challenge. Best of luck. :-)


Chris & Moira Schroeder


Nicki Schroeder


Martin Cruddace

Lovely thing to do. No skipping any!


Clare Hoban

Best wishes for your fundraising x


Adam Sparkes

Good luck!


Neil Ashby

Great challenge, Nicki and a really important cause.


Colin Smyth


Angela Hill

Great challenge, a worthy cause! Well done xx


Jaina Patel

Good luck Nicki! What creative challenges for a great cause!


Lana Wood


Katie Holmes

Wishing you the best of luck! X


P Ettie


Andy Heather


Annie Deasy

Good luck Nicki xx



Helena Priest

Best of luck with all of these fantastic challenges. Your sister would be very proud x


Elspeth Hanna